What’s Simmering in Factspan Analytics Cauldron!

4 min readJul 25, 2022


In every social gathering, I invariably get asked this question at least once. And I swiftly take on my business development hat and start talking about how I as a part of Factspan Analytics helped our stakeholders.

Questions like,

How did you identify the top markets your stakeholders should be investing in?

How much business will customer bring over his/her entire lifetime?

Which customers have the highest propensity to purchase a complementary product? So on and so forth…

To which most people reply — Well, do you use tools like SQL, extract data, present it in an Excel sheet or maybe even create a pretty looking dashboard?

In the world of Factspan Analytics, this aptly translates into the following:

Getting to the Core of the Problem

Although one may not always be aware of the issue, one is undoubtedly aware of the circumstance. So we go about digging into your business problem and situation, then we ask you about your business goals, we might even leverage your data to understand if what you perceive to be a problem, is really a problem or not. We bring our energy and experiences of solving industry-specific use cases. We ensure, with your help of-course, what is THE problem statement that needs to be solved.

Great! Now the problem is Understood. What’s Next?

Empathy and years of expertise in the data engineering and analytics domain are our key attributes. Factspan Analytics has solved problems in diverse verticals; we connect to discuss the problems we’ve solved and the challenges faced to increase our collective knowledge. Using this collective intelligence, we set about preparing the solution approach, which is customized to your business, your data and validated by subject matter experts. Our team of experts go usually by STAR Approach- Situation, Task, Action and Result which helps us communicate with our Prospects and clients better.

How We Turn your Data into Useful Business Insights

Because data is not a complete picture sitting in front of you rather, it is disintegrated and typically all over the place like pieces of a puzzle. What makes our team great is we assemble those pieces in a correct manner to form a meaningful picture.

One must be familiar with a phrase — “Garbage in, Garbage out” which literally translates to utilize bad data, worse data, or out of context data and it will result in insights that will never produce the right outcome. Which is say that we deal in perfect outcomes that are insightful for your business.

More than 60% of our consultants have graduate degrees in Statistics, Operations research and Math, and bring in experience from leading technology companies and academia. No matter what shape, size and form your business data is in, we strive to understand it better than anyone else.

Additionally, we even suggest your business- ways to store the data in a more planned manner and offer our services to do so.

Crafting a Customized Solution to Serve Your Needs

In our execution mode, we plan the work and then work the plan. With the proper tools, plan and a right goal in mind we set about creating the perfect tailored solution for your business needs.

Good thing? You are more than welcomed to add an ingredient that your think is necessary in your business recipe. Mind you, if they aren’t right for you, we will point that out clearly too. There could be many challenges along the way, like this one client attribute which was critical contains bad data in it. No worries! We will figure out a way to get around. We’ve solved so many problems in the past, coming up with a list of alternate ingredients is second nature to us. And your dish will serve its purpose.

Now, you don’t want to eat your steak standing in the hallway with your hands, Do you? We ensure that the insights are delivered to you in the right manner so it enables you to take the right actions and create impact in your business and hence in the market.

Driving Adoption; Making Sure We Get that 5 Star Yelp Review

All the prior steps are pointless if we never checked back on how you are doing or shy away from covering the last mile that is the problem solution adoption. In our experience, major analytics projects fail because they face adoption challenges from decision makers. Every individual in our team has led adoption of data-driven decision in different business scenarios. Doing this multiple times and in diverse environments have helped build trust with our stakeholders.

Want us to make a perfect business recipe for your needs? Reach Out!




Written by Factspan

Factspan is a pure play analytics company. We partner with you to build an analytics center of excellence, uncovering insights and solutions from your data.

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