
AI comes to Influencer Town

4 min readJun 16, 2021


Once upon a time, successful advertising required both artistic creativity and financial clout. You were bound to make a noise if you hired a hot agency to create a 30-second ad and spent a lot of money with TV and newspaper owners. The Madison Avenue Mad Men were all about sizzle and silver, not science.

It has indeed changed thanks to the internet. Today, everything revolves around data, analytics, and algorithms. Google and Facebook have siphoned off a large portion of Rupert Murdoch’s ad revenue by simply making adspend more accountable and targeted. You only pay when a viewer clicks on your ad with Google Ads. With Facebook ads, you can learn a lot more about the people who are seeing your ad campaigns.

In influencer marketing, it’s time to turn to artificial intelligence (AI). Although the influencer marketing industry is staffed with human experts, AI can assist brands in the following ways:

Identifying the right influencers

Bringing up-to-date information and trends

Making suggestions for useful workflows

This article will delve deeper into how artificial intelligence can help influencer marketing.

AI-powered platforms

One of the most difficult challenges for marketers is identifying the most appropriate influencers. In a world where customers are bombarded with advertisements everywhere they go, brands must redefine content to stand out. Every day, the average individual is exposed to multitudes of display ads, according to reports over the years. Brand exposure is at an all-time high today, thanks to the rise of digital content across multiple devices.

AI collects data for marketers for them to do the following:

Improve your influencer marketing strategies.

Identify any market-specific trends.

Choose influencers who are particularly well suited to such trends.

“AI-powered platforms can help brands be matched with the right influencers in little time,” says business writer Kendra Davis. “Instead of spending time looking for influencers, AI-powered systems can simplify this search by collecting useful data for marketers. Once the right data is collected, marketers can use it to find the right influencer.”

Identifying Fictitious Engagement and Influencers

The challenge of finding the right brand creators is compounded by the problem of fake influencers using social bots to distort their impact, costing the industry $1.3 billion a year. AI can intervene here by enabling model/footprint analysis on a scale of followers and comments, which makes it easy to distinguish between computer-generated influencers and real influencers. Organizations can’t do this manually and compete with bot creators.

Only AI that can continuously analyze, manage and scale banks with fake fingerprints can uncover fake accounts.

Here’s how it works:

AI tracks posts created by influencers (ie photos, videos, etc.).

Marketing experts can assess the positions of influential people.

Retailers can collect this data to find out how successful (or bad) the influencer is for their brand.

Markets can get a better idea based on the celebrity influence among their target audience and make all the necessary changes.

Predicting Campaign ROI

Calculating the return on investment from an influential marketing campaign is an important challenge. Collecting and analyzing engagement indicators from social media platforms is one thing, but converting them into value in terms of total revenue is much more difficult. AI allows regression analysis of key results against hundreds of input data. It does this through algorithms that can derive correlations from measurement mixtures, find strong correlations between these mixtures and influential measurement data, and use these models to predict future results. Because every creator, brand, and campaign is different, people will need years. Another way in which AI can predict the return on investment is through dynamic, narrow (personality-based) comparative comparison and forecasting. When the success of creators is anomalous — for example, due to the locality and seasonality of a particular campaign — marketers must be able to rely on AI, which has a bandwidth, to look at micro-variables at that level. Similarly, with dynamic, broad (industrial) benchmarking and forecasting, only one machine can handle huge amounts of big data and input when it breaks through more general insights from the highest level.


Along with Instagram, YouTube is another great influencer platform. Videos allow YouTube users to build a more emotional connection with their audience. Facebook launched Instagram TV (IGTV) in June 2018, but so far it has not replicated the success on Google-owned YouTube that Instagram Stories achieved against Snapchat.

Customers, agencies, and influencers themselves are involved in the ongoing struggle with platforms. They are desperate to maximize the attention gained from their input and are constantly innovating and improving their techniques to improve their position on platforms.

On the other hand, platforms want great content to attract their audience, but if someone pays to advertise certain content, they want it to be their own ads, not agencies. Artificial intelligence is the most powerful weapon in the arms depots of both parties.

Future of Influencer Marketing

Influential marketing is one of the fastest-growing areas of marketing. Brands now need to invest to improve the performance of their influential marketing campaigns. This means understanding the importance of artificial intelligence, which provides precise speed, accuracy, and efficiency, and combining it with influencer marketing.




Written by Factspan

Factspan is a pure play analytics company. We partner with you to build an analytics center of excellence, uncovering insights and solutions from your data.

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